#4. Angela Davis, University of California-Santa Cruz
Professor Angela Davis is best known for her violent tenure in the Black Panther Party. In 1970, the radical activist provided an arsenal of weapons to the group which they then used to kill a California judge in a failed attempt to free fellow Black Panther George Jackson, who was also Davis’s lover. Davis also proudly became a member of the Communist Party, expressing her support for Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin and cheering on the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968, claiming that “the only path of liberation for black people is that which leads toward complete and radical overthrow of the capitalist class.” She also received the Lenin “Peace Prize” from the communist police state of East Germany in 1979.
Despite this disreputable history, Davis has not only survived but thrived in the cutthroat world of academia, earning teaching positions at esteemed colleges and universities including UCLA, Rutgers, Vassar, San Francisco State and UC-Santa Cruz where she is currently listed as a Distinguished Professor Emerita. Even through the self-destruction of the communist empire and the historical recounting of Stalin’s crimes, Davis has not retracted or moderated her hate-America beliefs.
In the wake of George Floyd’s death by a police officer in May 2020, and the resulting race riots and burning of large sections of Democrat-run cities across America, Davis spoke of the riots as being part of a “transformative” movement for revolution and social change. “This is a perfect example of our being able to seize this moment and turn it into something that’s radical and transformative,” she declared.
In other comments, she emphasized the revolutionary nature of the protests and her desire to see them bring about the abolition of the police: “The protests offered people an opportunity to join in this collective demand to bring about deep change, radical change. Defund the police, abolish policing as we know it now.”
Ever a Communist, Davis made clear that she blames America’s economic system of capitalism, which has lifted millions out of poverty, for leading to the oppression of black Americans. “This is … a racial reckoning. A reexamination of the role that racism has played in the creation of the United States of America,” she said. “But I think we have to talk about capitalism. Capitalism has always been racial capitalism. Wherever we see capitalism, we see the influence and the exploitation of racism.”
The radical professor made clear her further contempt for America by claiming that “the history of the United States of America is a history of racism.” Regarding statues of Christopher Columbus and America’s founders, she declared that “it’s natural that people would try to bring down those symbols.”
Professor Davis has also repeatedly directed her animosity toward the Jewish nation of Israel. She supported the terrorist Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) led by Yasser Arafat in the 1970’s and has repeatedly aligned herself with anti-Israel, anti-Semitic organizations which are connected to terror networks. She is a supporter of the Hamas-funded Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel and has alleged that Israel is conducting “flagrant injustices” and a “massacre against the Palestinians of Gaza.”
Davis’s constant incitement of revolution in America and the overthrow of economic and law enforcement systems, abetted by her demonstrated hatred for the principles of our nation’s founding, makes her one of the Top Ten America-Hating Professors.
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